Digital discharge management shaped by frontline healthcare professionals

Refining patient discharge planning supporting patient care

In a fast-moving sector like healthcare, staying on top of data processing can be difficult, especially when using outdated systems.

Many hospitals continue to use spreadsheets and manually input data at every interval, which is both time-intensive and often leaves room for error (we are only human) which can have an impact on patient care.

Digitalising Patient Discharge Management

TAAP DMS was shaped by frontline healthcare professionals’ and provides a central portal and mobile app for the capture of patient discharge data.

Help minimise the length of stays and admission delays through visibility of real time information and notifications supporting KPIs.

Considerably reduce the overhead required to manage the discharge process through automation of discharge rules and reporting capabilities to support healthcare decisions on patient discharge.


Gain a live view of all wards, beds and length of patient stay

Real-time Updates

Data is updated in real-time to avoid delays and bottlenecks

Patient History

View patient movements between beds/wards and medical status


Record diagnostic procedures and notes

Patient Pathways

Safeguarded, care home and self-funding patients are automatically highlighted

Discharge Flag

Flag those medically fit for instant discharge


Relay information to local authorities, social care, district nurses, GP and relatives

Reports & KPIs

Automatic report generation for improved strategic planning

Multiple Devices

Update via mobile, computer or tablet

Live Dashboard

Instant insight and predictive analytics


Biometric identification and PIN Code

Featured Case Study

Digital Transformation in Healthcare

A major healthcare trust, consisting of three of the largest UK hospitals requested our help to revolutionise their room booking operations and improve its utilisation of outpatient rooms and cubicles. 

See how TAAP can work with you today.