Green Code: A Sustainable Future in Software Development

Green Code: A Sustainable Future in Software Development Contents In an era where sustainability is becoming a critical focus, the concept of “green code” has emerged as a pivotal aspect of environmentally responsible software development. Green coding refers to the practice of writing software that minimises energy consumption and reduces carbon emissions, thereby contributing to […]

Enterprise Remote Video Inspection; Powered by TAAP

Enterprise Remote Video Inspection; Powered by TAAP What is Remote Video Inspection? Reacting to the demands of the Enterprise which in itself has had to balance vastly different working conditions whilst still satisfying customer expectations, TAAP’s No Code platform has kept pace and facilitated the changes necessary to ensure smooth process evolution. Integrated Remote Video […]

TAAP Accelerate – Azure Marketplace New Offer

TAAP Accelerate – Azure Marketplace New Offer TAAP Accelerate Platform TAAP Accelerate is the perfect solution for businesses looking to quickly and easily develop No-Code applications and has recently been made available as a new offer in the Azure Marketplace. Our proven no code low code platform provides a suite of features and capabilities that deliver […]

DVS – An Added Level of Assurance

DVS – An Added Level of Assurance Digital and trust, two words not always closely associated together. That is, until now. In a world where tampering and hacking are persistent realities of our online world, the ability to verify documents with absolute certainty couldn’t be more crucial. TAAP’s Document Verification Service (DVS) is the solution […]